Monday, April 14, 2008

Paper fun

Dinosaurs and Bright papers make a great combination! COSMO CRICKETs bright "GET HAPPY" line is perfect for a cheery get well card or a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for someone you love.  And our Sandy Lion embellies are too fun to play with.....of course, I couldn't resist using my CUTTLEBUG along with these great papers and embellies.  The CUTTLEBUG embossing folders add a nice touch to any card.  All our customers know how much we LOVE our bugs.  Come catch the BUG with us....we have a HUGE selection of embossing folders, cutting plates and other fabulous accessories for the bug.  If you haven't tried the CUTTLEBUG, just ask one of us to give you a quick demo, most of us have had ours for over a year and know a lot about them.

Our next big event coming up is the Customer Thrift sale.  
Call to get a number for your items and then price and bring to the store no later than April 24th so we can prepare the room for the sale.  This years thrift sale is scheduled for Saturday April 26th.  Please bundle loose papers together as a pack (like 10 papers to a 2 gallon size Ziploc baggie or other packaging ) instead of individually, they sell better and don't get bent up during the "shopping process".  Price your items for what YOU want to make on them.  We may get several of the same item and you may want $2 for your item, but another customer may want only $1.  You decide if you want to make money on it or just get rid of it.  Make sure your price stickers are securely on your items because if one falls off, we have NO IDEA who it belongs to.  Also, please make sure you have your items picked up early the next week as we have other events coming up we need to make room for.  We generally have the items packed back up and ready to go by Monday.  Call ahead if you want to make sure they are ready.  The amount of store credit on your account will be listed with your boxed items after the sale is over.  This is a great opportunity to pick up some great items for yourself as well, even if you don't have any to get rid of. 

Hope your day was crafty

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