Did we deliver? If you have a request for something, we do our best to find it and bring it in. We love to try new things too, so it's great when we hear someone get excited about some "new" item (or even an old one). If you want us to find something for you, just give us a call at the store, email us from the website, or leave your request here at the BLOG! We can't get
everything, but if we get enough requests....you never know!
We do get many new things in the store on a daily basis and you never know what you might miss by not stopping at the store. I wish I could take a photo of every new item that comes into the store to post on the blog, but my poor computer can only hold so much, and there isn't enough room on the blog either.
Don't forget to check the class link on the website. Lots of classes are coming up in the next few days.
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