Old School phones....I remember those...how about you?.

Do you consider yourself Old School? I guess I am. Remember when we took a picture and hoped that when it got back from the processor that you got the image you wanted? I remember those days. I love digital cameras and photos. You can't beat the ability to take a hundred photos of one subject and then pick and choose from that hundred the very best of the best to print and highlight in your scrapbook. Digital photos have changed all that. Yes, I have done a digital photo book, but it did not hold the same appeal as sitting in front of a pile of paper and adhesive handpicking just the right embellishments and papers to make your photos the most important thing on the page. I stick to my old school ways when it comes to scrapbooking. You know that one photo can tell a story. The right embellishment and the right paper helps you carry your feelings onto the page without saying a word. Of course, journaling is important too. You can't tell the complete story without the words. So today, pick a photo (or two). Make a page. Get your story out. Remember the feeling you had when you took the photo. Maybe it's the feelings you get when you look at the photo. The reason you took that photo. Even if you only get that one page done, you will thank yourself for it later.